What Does Communion Mean?


Watch the full service here: https://youtu.be/Eqi9ozE_kg8

Video Transcript:

So what's communion about?

This is this moment that took place at what we often refer to as, The Last Supper, where Jesus is sitting with his disciples, and they're having a meal together.

He interrupts the meal and interrupts the conversation and he says, "Guys, I want you to do this in remembrance of Me. And this piece of bread is a representation of my body that's gonna be broken for you. And every time you eat of it I want you to remember that."

That same night He took a cup (Remember I took the breakdown of the Old Testament that there was an old covenant and the New Testament is representation of the new covenant that God has with man.) And that is when Jesus holds up the cup and He says, "This is a representation of the new covenant that my blood will be shed for you."

What does Communion mean?

Communion, a sacred and symbolic ritual practiced by Christians worldwide, holds a profound significance rooted in the events of the Last Supper. At that pivotal moment, Jesus, surrounded by his disciples, initiated a timeless tradition that transcends mere religious symbolism. The breaking of bread and sharing of wine were not just physical acts but profound expressions of sacrifice, covenant, and remembrance.

The Last Supper: A Divine Interruption

The narrative begins at the Last Supper, a historical event steeped in spiritual gravity. Jesus, in the midst of a shared meal with his disciples, disrupts the ordinary flow of conversation. His words, "I want you to do this in remembrance of me," echo through the ages, inviting believers to partake in a ritual that would forever connect them to the sacrificial act that was to come.

The Bread: Symbol of Sacrifice

As Jesus takes a piece of bread, he imbues it with profound symbolism. This simple element becomes a representation of his body, destined to be broken for the salvation of humanity. The act of eating the bread becomes a sacred communion with the very essence of Christ's sacrifice. It's a tangible reminder of the selflessness and love that underpin our Christian faith.

The Cup: A New Covenant Sealed in Blood

Continuing the divine narrative, Jesus introduces the cup, alluding to the Old Testament's breakdown of the old covenant. In his hands, the cup transforms into a potent symbol of the new covenant that God establishes with humanity through the impending shedding of Jesus' blood. Each sip becomes a testament to the transformative power of this covenant, marking a transition from the old to the new, from sin to redemption.

Communion as a Living Memory

Communion is not a mere ritual; it's a living memory etched in our hearts as believers in Christ. It serves as a spiritual anchor, connecting us to the foundational moments of our faith. Each time you or I partake in the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup, we participate in a timeless act of remembrance. The ritual transcends the physical plane, inviting individuals to reflect on the profound implications of Christ's sacrifice for their lives.

Unity in Communion

Beyond individual reflection, communion fosters a sense of unity among believers in Christ. As they collectively partake in the sacred elements, they become a part of a larger, spiritual community. The shared experience of communion transcends differences, emphasizing the common bond that unites all believers in the body of Christ.

Conclusion: A Timeless Tradition

Communion, rooted in the Last Supper, is a timeless tradition that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It serves as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, a tangible reminder of Christ's sacrifice and the covenant that binds believers to God. In this sacred ritual, we find not only a connection to our spiritual heritage but also a profound encounter with the living Christ who invites us to remember, reflect, and renew our commitment to a faith built on love and sacrifice.

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